Galileo navigation satellite system is in operation!

Galileo navigation satellite system is in operation!

After 17 years and many difficulties, the European Galileo navigation system began to work with 18 of the planned 30 satellites in orbit. Galileo should improve its geo-localization by 10 times the US GPS, and its services will be free to users around the globe on smartphones and other devices that are compatible with Galileo microchips.    

Apart from navigation, Galileo will be able to serve the locating of vulnerable people who send SOS signals, such as ships, mountaineers, and disasters in hard-to-reach locations, and plans to allow signaling these calls in the future, which could greatly assist rescue workers services.    

Galileo offers precision up to 4 meters, Commercial users and official government services can precision even a few centimeters. This is important, for example, fully automated aircraft, ships or cars. By 2018. Galigeo should be fully operational with at least 24 active satellites. This is the minimum that the system must reach before it can provide complete service.