Redesigning a Website, Why It Is Needed

Redesigning a Website, Why It Is Needed

Redesigning a website is a challenge because it requires a lot of resources. The idea of ​​implementing the latest technology and design trends is tempting. As a rule, it is important to keep all the essential and good functionality of the existing web site, to discard the elements that are not being used, and to add new functionalities from which visitors will benefit.


Website content is your most powerful sales tool, so you need to pay special attention to content when redesigning.

Visual design and content must go hand in hand. The new website should try to keep certain design and structural directions, if they were good, and improve them as much as possible.

Designing a website without having specific content is always inconvenient. Most often, we have only a rough idea of ​​the content in the making. It is therefore important during the design process to interact with the user so that the page can be adapted to the user's wishes, but also the content they will contain.

Redesigning, in this aspect, is a bit easier because we already have content. With the user, it is necessary to identify which content remains, which content will no longer exist, and most importantly, which content will be added or expanded.


Mobile first.

For a long time, most of the traffic on the web site comes via mobile devices. An exceptionally important point in web site design is good functionality on mobile devices. Mobile is here, and will stay here, and in most industries, it has already outgrown Desktop .

If your site is not mobile-friendly, it's important to make redesign immediately, because you are losing visitors, and therefore losing money!

Mobile first design replicates the idea of ​​progressive improvement compared to the original design for Desktop, which is a gentle degradation. When the mobile web was just the beginning, there was only graceful degradation as a multi-screen design approach. This means designing desktop screen size and full functionality, then designing for smaller screens based on that.


Home page design.

For most websites this is the first page visitors see. They know very little or nothing about your business or your products and services. That's why you have to take this opportunity to catch them. And the window is very small.

One of Google's studies has revealed that users are making their first impression on your website for less than 50 milliseconds.

The same study suggests that the visually more complicated website design is considered more beautiful.


Why do you need redesign of the site?

Users often understand the redesign of a website just as a change of layout, but that is not the case.

Apart from the above reasons, it is needed because of other aspects:

  • Improve sales (or attendance)
  • Change in business structure
  • Identifying a clear goal